The project guidelines are intended for designers and design teams to ask how any given design project—including for capitalist clients or within businesses—can be used as an opportunity to install and enact postcapitalist principles. They operate like a worksheet or checklist: each question offers a discrete opportunity for postcapitalizing some aspect of the project at hand, organized by the four principles of PCD. Designers and design teams are encouraged to use these questions throughout the design process—starting with early research to define the strategy and scope and concluding with finalizing specifications for production, maintenance, and the project’s end of life. It’s best to begin a project’s orientation through this framework. For example, a project brief could be expanded or reframed by asking these questions at the start. In addition, new opportunities for postcapitalizing the project may turn up anywhere in the process. This process initiates interstitial erosion of capitalism at its most frequent point of contact with designing: the project.


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